... providing resources to Teen Challenge centers around the world for effective ministry.

T313.01: Compassion Fatigue

Cynthia Nicholson
This 3 part video series addresses the issue of Compassion Fatigue. Many caregivers, medical workers and ministry workers have experienced this form of burnout. This is particularly true in Teen Challenge ministry. This course defines Compassion Fatigue and then goes on to give help in recognizing, preventing and treating this condition. This is meant to be used as an introductory teaching. uploaded 2/1/2013
: 3
: 0 - 2hrs
created 15 years ago , updated 11 years ago
Name Language Type Format
Compassion Fatigue (download) English Teaching notes PowerPoint
Compassion Fatigue Part 1 - mp3 (download) English Lecture Audio
Compassion Fatigue Part 2 - mp3 (download) English Lecture Audio
Compassion Fatigue Part 3 - mp3 (download) English Lecture Audio

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