... providing resources to Teen Challenge centers around the world for effective ministry.

Download details: วิธีการสอนที่สร้างสรรค์ – บันทึกพร้อมคำตอบ – Answers

วิธีการสอนที่สร้างสรรค์ – บันทึกพร้อมคำตอบ (Creative Methods of Teaching – Notesheet with Answers). This course is part of the Group Studies teacher training. It is basic not only to the GSNL teachers but to all staff as they prepare teachings for discipleship training. It can also be useful for all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. PDF, 126 KB, แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุดวันที่: 12-2019
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: Notesheet with Answers
added 5 years ago
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