... providing resources to Teen Challenge centers around the world for effective ministry.

Download details: Board Relations and Development - English - resource information

Teen Challenge does not have a training course developed for this subject at this time. The following link will take you to an extensive online library of resources designed to help non-profit organizations with Board Development. Just a few of the topics covered are: Governing and Developing Your Board of Directors Fiduciary Responsibilities of Nonprofit Board Members How Much Should Nonprofit Board Be Involved in Management? Outline of Board Roles and Responsibilities (nonprofit) History of Nonprofit Boards in the U.S. (nonprofit) Eight Basic Expectations a Chief Executive Has of His or Her Board Good Governance in Meeting the Duties of Directors of Charities and Not-for-Profits What Exactly IS the Board's Job? If you find any of these resources helpful, please email us at: and let us know.
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: English
: Text
: Other
added 15 years ago
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