... providing resources to Teen Challenge centers around the world for effective ministry.

R901.01: Student Progress Report Forms

The national accreditation standards require that a program is documenting, at least monthly, a student's progress towards reaching the goals that must be reached to complete. An easy way to do this that helps the center both maintain compliance and provide a useful report for the student to learn how they're really doing, is found in this student progress report. Download a copy, modify it in any way that is needed to make it specific for your center, then have the designated staff start using it on a monthly basis or use it in a staff meeting as a tool to evaluate student progress. If you have any specific questions on how to use it, please don't hesitate to email them to Doug Lance at
: 1
: 0 - 2hrs
created 10 years ago , updated 10 years ago
Name Language Type Format
Student Progress form (download) English Other Text
Supplemental Student Progress form (download) English Other Image

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