... providing resources to Teen Challenge centers around the world for effective ministry.

T508.01: Stay Sharp

Teen Challenge
Stay Sharp is a hard hitting high energy drug prevention presentation designed to educate students on drug and alcohol abuse and the consequences of their choices. The video address the facts, lies and costs of addiction. Intertwined in this dynamic video presentation students will hear speakers share personal stories of their introduction to drugs and the destructive journey it leads them on. These speakers are young people who have walked in the students' shoes and are able to make a relevant and impacting connection. The Stay Sharp program was created to address youth in a variety of settings, from a private or public school assembly or classroom to a church youth group, large or small group, the possibilities are unlimited. Presenters can work with parents, educators, youth pastors and other leaders to address the specific problem issues of your community. It is presented free of charge as an outreach of Teen Challenge International. Presenters are not counselors or psychologists. Rather, they are simply individuals who have struggled with substance addiction, who now desire to share their stories about their choices and recovery. Find a provider near you.
: 1
: 2hrs - 4hrs
created 12 years ago , updated 12 years ago
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