... providing resources to Teen Challenge centers around the world for effective ministry.

T311.03: Security or Sabotage

By EQUIP, Adapted for Teen Challenge by Dr. Jerry Nance
This course examines the problems that can occur when a leader has personal insecurity issues. It gives help on how to indentify insecurity and the lies that go with them. The lesson goes on to give Biblical principles on how to overcome these insecurities
: 1
: 0 - 2hrs
created 14 years ago
Name Language Type Format
EQUIP - S E C U R I T Y OR S A B O T A G E - Notesheet (download) English Notesheet Text
EQUIP - Security or Sabotage - Teachers Notes (download) English Teaching notes Text
EQUIP - Instrucciones para la enseƱanza (download) Spanish Espanol Other Text
EQUIP - Seguridad o Sabotaje - Hoja de Apuntes & Clave de Respu... (download) Spanish Espanol Other Image

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